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سرپرست و نویسنده, روشن

۱۴۰۱ شهریور ۵, شنبه

Dismissal of 110 workers working in Omran Maroon Company without settlement

Nedaieroshan /Saturday, August 27, 2022 - Omran Maroon Company fired 110 of its workers without settlement.
According to nedaieroshan , citing from Rokna News Agency, On March 21, 2022, a population of more than 110 workers were fired from Omran Maroon Company, and their salaries and benefits have not yet been paid.

Ali Azarbaijani, head of the Coordination Council of the West Azerbaijan Province Workers' Councils, said: "The employer of the Maroon Civil Company, which has long been contracted with the Provincial Regional Water Company, and was active in the tunnel of the Kanisib River Piranshahr, to transfer of water to Lake Urmia, unfortunately, without paying the demands of the workers, he has fired 100 to 110 of his workers since 1401 and refuses to pay the workers' salaries."
"Each worker demands between 2 and 3 million tomans from the employer and the introduction of workers to the unemployment insurance by the employer is not a prominent act. The judiciary should take the demands of these workers from the employer before leaving the Omran Maroon Company in Piranshahr region, and the workers will get their legal rights.", the head of the Coordination Center of the Labor Councils of West Azarbaijan Province added.
The dismissal of these workers has taken place while in the current economic situation, many of these citizens are married, and their dismissal will cause irreparable damage to the institution of the family and their children.
People's right to job safety and adequate social security is among the things emphasized in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In the text of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right of individuals to be provided with their needs in terms of food, housing, clothing and social support services in times of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or in all other cases is accentuated.