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۱۴۰۱ شهریور ۶, یکشنبه

Transfer of Kasra Noori, from Adelabad Prison to an unknown location

Nedaieroshan, August 28, 2022 - Kasra Noori, a Gonabadi dervish incarcerated in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz, was transferred to an unknown location.

According to Human Rights in Iran, Saturday, August 27 (2022), Kasra Noori, a Gonabadi dervish and a prisoner of conscience imprisoned in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz was transferred to an unknown location. This Gonabadi dervish is serving his 7-years-and-6-months prison term.
Pouria Noori, the brother of this prisoner of conscience, while announcing this news on his personal page, announced: "Kasra Noori was forcibly transferred to an unknown place from the political ward of Adelabad Prison at noon, today (Saturday), at around 12:30 p.m. This transfer was done without submitting a judicial warrant, and the reason for this relocation was not even announced verbally, and we are extremely worried about Kasra and do not know about his fate and whereabouts."
It should be said that this Gonabadi dervish in Adelabad Prison of Shiraz, is deprived of the basic rights of a prisoner; to be sent on leave or even access to magazines and other press.
At the preliminary stage, on 29 July, 2018, Kasra Noori was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment, 74 lashes, 2 years of exile to Salas-e Babajani County, 2 years ban from leaving the country, and 2 years of exclusion from membership in political and social groups and parties and media activities, by Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Mashallah Ahmadzadeh. This verdict was confirmed on March 19, 2018, due to the lack of appeal, and it was communicated to Kasra Noori. According to Article 134 of the Islamic Penal Code, the harshest punishment of 7 and a half years of imprisonment is applicable for this prisoner of conscience.
Kasra Noori was arrested on February 19, 2018, during the Golestan-e Haftom (Seventh Golestan) incident, after being beaten by the security forces, and while he was deprived of the basic rights of an accused during the interrogations, he faced heavy accusations.
This prisoner of conscience has previously spent a period of imprisonment in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz and Evin Prison in Tehran, since 2011 to 2015, due to his media activity on the Majzooban-e Noor website.
The protest gathering of Gonabadi dervishes which is reffered to as "Golestan-e Haftom" (Seventh Golestan) incident, took place on 19th of February 2018, around the house of Noor Ali Tabandeh, the leader of this dynasty. The reason for that protest gathering was the presence of numerous security forces around the house of the leader of dervishes, Noor Ali Tabandeh, which was met with a negative reaction from other dervishes. Following a bloody conflict between Gonabadi dervishes and the security forces, more than 500 dervishes were arrested in these clashes and transferred to the prisons of Greater Tehran, Qarchak Prison in Varamin and Evin Prison. Also, many dervishes were severely beaten by the security forces. What was evident in the protest gatherings of Golestan-e Haftom incident, was firstly the Gonabadi dervishes' demand for their rights, which was turned into violence by widespread repression and aggressive behavior of the security forces.
Filing cases against civil society activists violates Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted on 16 December 1966, which emphasizes the right of individuals to disseminate political and ideological opinions and views without border restrictions.
Detaining people without informing them of their charges and lack of access to a lawyer for the accused are among the violations of international human rights instruments, Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on 16 December 1966.
Also, people's right to a fair trial is one of the inalienable rights that is emphasized in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.